The Best Love Song Lyrics

    song lyrics

  • Lyrics (in singular form lyric) are a set of words that make up a song. The writer of lyrics is a lyricist or lyrist. The meaning of lyrics can either be explicit or implicit.
  • Free song lyrics database. 150,000+ song lyrics.
  • Tell the students that songs often contain slang words and expressions. Ask them to match the examples of song slang with the correct meaning. Have students compare answers in pairs before checking the answers as a class.

    best love

  • (best-loved) favored: preferred above all others and treated with partiality; “the favored child”

the best love song lyrics

the best love song lyrics – The Art

The Art of Writing Love Songs
The Art of Writing Love Songs
Finally—the first songwriting guide to the most popular music genre in history! Written by a professional songwriter, The Art of Writing Love Songs provides inspiration to anyone seeking to write captivating songs about the most enduring musical subject of all.

Readers will discover how to express their feelings in lyrics, master a wide scope of emotions and moods, choose an appropriate musical style, and craft beautiful songs that will woo any audience. This user-friendly guide presents technical information with precision, yet wrapped in a conversational, personal tone that’s entertaining and easy to read. Packed with references to favorite hit songs, this must-have guide enables songwriters and musicians to understand and express love in a whole new way.

• The only book available specifically about writing love songs

• Author is widely known among songwriters for being an authority on the subject as well as an excellent writer and instructor

Bromance In The Snow

Bromance In The Snow
Let’s face the facts about me and you,
A love unspecified.
Though I’m proud to call you "Chocolate Bear,"
The crowd will always talk and stare.

I feel exactly those feelings, too
And that’s why I keep them inside.
‘Cause this bear can’t bear the world’s disdain,
And sometimes it’s easier to hide,
Than explain our

[J.D. and Turk]
Guy love,
That’s all it is,
Guy love,
He’s mine, I’m his,
There’s nothing gay about it in our eyes.

You ask me ’bout this thing we share,

And he tenderly replies,

It’s guy love

[J.D. and Turk]
Between two guys.

We’re closer than the average man and wife,

That’s why our matching bracelets say Turk and J.D.

You know I’ll stick by for the rest of my life.

You’re the only man who’s ever been inside of me.

Whoa, I just took out his apendix.

There’s no need to clarify,

Oh no?

Just let it grow more and more each day.
It’s like I married my best friend,

But in a totally manly way.

[J.D. and Turk]
Let’s go!
It’s guy love,
Don’t compromise,
The feeeling of some other guy,
Holding up your heart,
Into the sky.

I’ll be there to care through all the lows.

I’ll be there to share the highs.

[J.D. and Turk]
It’s guy love,
Between two guys.

And when I say, "I love you, Turk,"
It’s not what it impies.

[J.D. and Turk]
It’s guy love

heheh i couldn’t help it …its what i think about every time i look at this photo hehe


–>my friends..they re the u guys
–>ice cream
–>summer..and winter when i can go snowboarding
–>my french friends..miss u so much u can’t imagine ♥♥♥
–>england especially london
–>music!!music!!music!!-it’s one of those necessary things for life..
–>red nail varnish
–>rock im park
–>to talk french
–>playing my drums
–>my drums
–>hot chocolate
–>many many colours
–>watching movies
–>bracelets, earrings&necklaces
–>eating..but i’m not´fat^^
–>to travel
–>to be a litlte bit crazy :]
–>tattoos…i want one too..
–>zoo york, volcom, burton and all the other awesome stuff
–>sing along songs though i can’t sing very good or don’t know the’s funny^^
–>terra x
–> my family
–> dancing in the rain
–>la rochelle and the crew 😉
–>alba..of course ale and all the other italians ♥

and u??